what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty

🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨✨✨🌹🌹🌹thank you guys  for supporting to studing my blogs, ✨✨✨🌹🌹🌹everyone followed weight management to keep healthy  and fitness but, it belong ✨🌟to only fitness but real beauty is what's are eats that reflects on your face, it's belong to what are eating in day today life,once stay healthy to fitness to follow it strict diet after,✨🌟 few days to follow it, after few days totally to drop out these habits, ❌this is big mistake in weight loss journey❌, healthy and convenient diet to follow it daily basis in according to you what's you have in our country that based healthy foods, The first meal of day the small cup of fruits before breakfast please must avoiding only banana🍌guys  ,✨✅✅✅ that means always eating vegetables and fruits✨✅✅✨❌❌ but don't eat too much of creamy food and deep oil fry food❌❌⭐1. Once eating oily food in daily basis  starts to acne on face and pimple ⭐2.unwanted creamy food like  pizza and burger food to increase our weight, 3🌹⭐.Your face full of pimples or acne and prone that face no more beauty🌹⭐ 4.increase your weight your looking not fit that place no more beauty⭐🌹5. Once started excerise too much blood flowing in our body🌹⭐ 6. Your face  started to glow and fresh a flower🌹⭐7. don't need to beauty products just it's enhance your looks🌹⭐ 8. 4 liter water  per day to drinking to clean our stomach so unwanted food cleansing, no more storage and no more weight and belly fat also ⭐🌹9. Always looking fitness that water keep hydrated you skin flawless one. 🌹⭐10. Always to take a nuts and health juice to increase minerals and victims your skin started to glow,🌹⭐11. Don't be stress  or anxiety yourself becoz affected immunity system and blood flow that main cause to wrinkles and old look, change our mind set guys, ✨🌟looking fit and clear skin that called  real beauty, ✨🌟no need  to beautiful dress and beauty products is that just enhance your looks, 🌟 but real beauty is what's are that reflect on face guys, 🌟share it your lovable friends and  beautiful family members, 🌟 always be happy and stay healthy, don't forget to keep smiling guys. ✨🌟✨🦚😁😁😁😁😁🦚🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

To kick the metabolism with simple exercise and Detox water

🌟✨ Hello guys how are you, I hoping  that everyone safe, Remember one thing guys corona not fully vanished in the world,so always wearing 😷 mask and Applied sanitation in your hand, my last post how to manage your weight  I think everyone studied , ✨thank you for supporting guys,  everyone following diet to get weight loss in success, but some people still disappointment am not lose 🌟weight to think about it, this is for you guys ,because everyone body conditions different from others, some person to lose weight easily  ✨others difficult to weight loss , that type of guys don't get disappointed becoz the weight loss going slowly, to watching only weight  but everyone forget  these things ✨1.your old dress slowly fitting for you,✨ 2.others extra large size dress to change into large size ✨3.to casually move on 4 floor  to avoiding lifting, ✨4.After weight loss process to started light brisk on morning time ✨5. Changing food habits these things  are weight loss going  to properly , so don't lose it your hope keep trying guys , here we go extra tips to follow it ,to boost up our weight loss journey guys🌟🌹🌹🌷1. To drink detox water in regular basis in which flavor you like it just follow it🌟🌹 2.  To add in water Mint leaf and lemon Or cumin water Or etc.,🌹🌟 3.to following some exercises like walking (or) joking (or)skipping(or)  swimming (or) climbing (or)cycling (or)yoga (or) work out but minimum one hour based the excerise going 🌹🌟4. Simple excerise to follow it home, just  started warm up to starting excerise in morning time like crunches,push up and((every exercise to following 20 counts  5 sets 100 counts are there )))squats ,planks, burpees, lunges etc.🌹,🌹🌟5. Only thing follow it regularly guys don't crunch it yourself  like a  heavy exercise, only six days workout one day  rest🌹🌟 6. Some person going to  work out with  all  equipment that person surely one day rest of whole body 🌹🌟7. Weekly  5 or 6 days workout in gym is good for health🌹🌟 8. Don't  be stress it yourself guys, is that thing not good  for weight loss journey,🌟 🌹9.suddenly weight loss not happening guys it's going to slowly , becoz everyone body conditions different from others, metabolism boost up work out and diet more calories to burn it easily 🌹🌟10.monthly 3 to 4 kgs weight loss,  is that good for health don't crunch it yourself guys, too much work hard to tired easily ,oh my god forget these point 🌟🌹11. Weekly one day cardio workout or sweat based work out important one ,ok guys following  these methods surely weight loss happening with happily, always be happy  with keep smiling  😁😁😁😁😁😁 ✨🌟⭐🦚

what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty

🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨...

Dark chocolate, non -veg,veg,dress free facial