Maintenance beauty with saffron oil

Hello guys alot of problems going there in covid 19situation , but set of people before  be vaccine together to get helpful the society that super and peaceful in home that thing really appreciate one today small beautiful tips like maintenance ur skin with literally glow  but what's ur eat that important things to be beautiful, but skin matience also important one✨✨ particular beauty oils important place picked one SAFFRON OIL this made for only🌺🌻🌹🌷flowers particular purple flower inside 3 stigma is there that thing made oil not only used in oil to used tea also but little thing is little cost becoz this saffron only bloom Himalayan place in India and cold hill station but this saffron oil use to only night time not too exposed in sun 🌞day time that only particular recommend for this time use so benefit in our skin this oil buy only Auryvedeic based to use ✅dry skin person ✅combination skin type skin✅ both type of skin to get good and glowing skin ❌avoid ache skin person ❌because your skin so sensitive before use products to check it ingredients of products to apply your in your face ok bye bye👋👋

prevention of covid 19

Hello guys console for missing loveable never meet at last minutes  worst thing of life everyone face it ur missing person in life covid situation there are pick up God hand flowers🌸🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼💐 rest in peace but guys ur life more than valuable anything else becoz I won't miss my some relatives never going worst situation I ever my friend life partner he is no more becoz covid he is help at relation covid patients  not vaccine please please guys be vaccine of covid 😷 before vaccine consult ur doctor get vaccine u should follow some tips after vaccine prevention is better medicine for all diseases and life after u have disease u cure that ur think like that it's one way path of life may be return back or not so please(((((((((((( BE VACCINE EVERYONE WITH CONSULTANT UR DOCTOR))1. ✅Please eat some healthy food only home based ✅2.✅keep meditation practice✅✅ walking near any plant of tree or anything in moring time✅❌❌❌❌❌please don't be stand at night near any tree❌❌❌❌❌❌becoz that time plant and tree exhale breath carbon dioxide so that is so harm our breathing system so avoiding that other wise proper nutrition is good for our health but we are care only our covid situation after that ur not followed that the big problem of lifewea are faced very pendemic situation created covid after so many disease are there but we are do it one thing proper nutrition of foodwe will discussion out proper nutrition of all ages it's hard to smile but everyone move on next step ur life with lot of hope ur life with always smile be happy😊

licorice or ancient adthimuthram

What face wash powder 🙄 ya guys this licorice or adthimuthram power ancient king to use to maintain beautiful sin and glow also but now days alot of products use it some of accepting our skin type others to get it Alegries or rashes on skin or pimple alot issues but this licorice Powder help to remove alot healthy benifits inside & outside also✅🌹1. wheather ur going outside work or alot of meeting no more Beauty consciousness person use this powder for face wash🌹✅🌺🌺🌺2.inside ourbody to make magical things happen Incase ur suffer from ulcers to use this powder to get rid off ulcers following some produture 48 days to take 200M warmwater add one spoon adimuthram powder or licorice powder mix well and drink it in empty stomach 🌺🌺🌺what they do  this powder to buy it in online order or any aurverdic shop to take  1.50 gram powder and 20 gramflour both of add and mix done well it in small  bottle every morning  to use face wash powder ❌ avoiding acnes porn skin type to use this powder❌  i🏘️🏡incase ur in home to use powder as face mask to use  once or twice🏠 As a Normal skin or dry skin or combination skin to add to use this powder with add a milk to make a paste apply in 10 minutes after wash it in daily basis incase oily skin to use only rose water to get a glow it 

play with kids to stay fit

 move like a fit with kid ! i here the mind stop confuse guys i say it  do gym work work stay fit balabala...... not like that what is meant by excersize ? proper blood circulation be active stay look like fit not fat that full package called work out now days we are spending alot money stay fit and mainten body weight and consume what we  do eat to check it  everyday day but every body forget one thing ur doing work out that enough guys you are doing more active physicaly and and mentaly that u should follow  (((playing your kids and family like a free bird))) Best medicine ur family and kids for healthy mind physical play ur kids,as  couple long walk in u should prepare that, mountain climbing, swimming, dancing, cleaning ur house, (((i konw this pandemic time ur move on small level not permeant situation we are get rid off this situation one days we are believed ur good value that safe life forever guys )))cycling ur family playful trib,as lonely person long walk with hearing song as a best company,as a senior citizens go to peaceful place like church, temple, which place like it go to walk with company or hearing song and books to take best company atleast move on physicaly and mentaly guys that only stay fit health and beauty 

summer special drink

Hai guys after long days i post new things some personal work thanks for who are read already i regular l post it any way let go guys summer cool drinks starting summer in india some others place not started everybody pandemic during corona period any how prepare for all problems not cornoa all these things what i mean some alternative some ur career and health and food ur relationship what ever maybe guys ok i just share cool drinks everyone prepare very  this three things available all the time in ur kitchen guysGinger lemon and mint leaves with little salt both of get it lets peels the skin of ginger only use small pieces and lemon juice and ten mint leaves both messed in small bowl (((not blended it jucier it's horrible to drink)))  to add one of class water to mixed with little salt as your wish to taste don't drink empty stomach this juice after you are ate heavy in ur food that time your prepare this drink incase ur feel to hot to take ice water or normal water  please avoid this drink who are suffering ulcers in stomach  this drinks best digest after eat food why don't waste your time have it drink enjoy👋👋😊

alot of benefits with Almonds

Hello guys alot of benefits with my health and beauty blog today i  add another benefit with super nuts to know it ya !but your are forget this nut this is called Golden nuts  why i was called  alot benefits in our body (head to leg) this  ALMONDS inculdes hairoil,bar soap or shower gel,face cream or body lotion, Almonds oil use in Auryervedic products and etc.,but i said to use raw almonds that means soaked almonds ((soaking almonds to peel the skin after to eat it ))(soaking in over night)almonds 5 or 6 above (30 age) as a child or school or college students 3 or 4  to take a almonds daily basis, this alot of benefits like Victims E and minerals ,fiber antioxidant, calcium,and etc., To eat regularly basis to get healthy life like good hair,skin glow, health skin, almonds milk, good protein, healthy fat,magunisem,etc but this advantage loaded with Weight loss, prevent from heart disease and cancer, control sugar levels as well as blood pressure, control hunger levels to get healthy life and fit and beauty.

beware of B 12 deficiency

Today we are eating hurry burry, now to listen everyone are you eating enough victims and minerals please recalling food diet in day today life but i tell you only one victim to add your day diet  victims B12 some victims  add particular time to get recover easily that causes of deficiency example of victims C but you have victims B 12 deficiency alot of health issues your face it you can't image how much of problems arise it, B 12 victims improve red blood cells with out blood in our body systems totally collapsed this problem to take another way to Anemiaetc.,but easily recovery to follow some diet in our food if you are Non-vegetarian there nothing to worry about it  bcoz ,(meat )improve red blood cells, bur ur vegetarian to add Soya products, milk products,and nuts to addit more but ur vegan serious to take B 12 tablet medicine with doctor consulting and add soy products and nuts so to take food proper nutrition ty o add your diet stay healthy and beauty 

what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty

🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨...

Dark chocolate, non -veg,veg,dress free facial