what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty
🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨✨✨🌹🌹🌹thank you guys for supporting to studing my blogs, ✨✨✨🌹🌹🌹everyone followed weight management to keep healthy and fitness but, it belong ✨🌟to only fitness but real beauty is what's are eats that reflects on your face, it's belong to what are eating in day today life,once stay healthy to fitness to follow it strict diet after,✨🌟 few days to follow it, after few days totally to drop out these habits, ❌this is big mistake in weight loss journey❌, healthy and convenient diet to follow it daily basis in according to you what's you have in our country that based healthy foods, The first meal of day the small cup of fruits before breakfast please must avoiding only banana🍌guys ,✨✅✅✅ that means always eating vegetables and fruits✨✅✅✨❌❌ but don't eat too much of creamy food and deep oil fry food❌❌⭐1. Once eating oily food in daily basis starts to acne on face and pimple ⭐2.unwanted creamy food like pizza and burger food to increase our weight, 3🌹⭐.Your face full of pimples or acne and prone that face no more beauty🌹⭐ 4.increase your weight your looking not fit that place no more beauty⭐🌹5. Once started excerise too much blood flowing in our body🌹⭐ 6. Your face started to glow and fresh a flower🌹⭐7. don't need to beauty products just it's enhance your looks🌹⭐ 8. 4 liter water per day to drinking to clean our stomach so unwanted food cleansing, no more storage and no more weight and belly fat also ⭐🌹9. Always looking fitness that water keep hydrated you skin flawless one. 🌹⭐10. Always to take a nuts and health juice to increase minerals and victims your skin started to glow,🌹⭐11. Don't be stress or anxiety yourself becoz affected immunity system and blood flow that main cause to wrinkles and old look, change our mind set guys, ✨🌟looking fit and clear skin that called real beauty, ✨🌟no need to beautiful dress and beauty products is that just enhance your looks, 🌟 but real beauty is what's are that reflect on face guys, 🌟share it your lovable friends and beautiful family members, 🌟 always be happy and stay healthy, don't forget to keep smiling guys. ✨🌟✨🦚😁😁😁😁😁🦚🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
To kick the metabolism with simple exercise and Detox water
🌟✨ Hello guys how are you, I hoping that everyone safe, Remember one thing guys corona not fully vanished in the world,so always wearing 😷 mask and Applied sanitation in your hand, my last post how to manage your weight I think everyone studied , ✨thank you for supporting guys, everyone following diet to get weight loss in success, but some people still disappointment am not lose 🌟weight to think about it, this is for you guys ,because everyone body conditions different from others, some person to lose weight easily ✨others difficult to weight loss , that type of guys don't get disappointed becoz the weight loss going slowly, to watching only weight but everyone forget these things ✨1.your old dress slowly fitting for you,✨ 2.others extra large size dress to change into large size ✨3.to casually move on 4 floor to avoiding lifting, ✨4.After weight loss process to started light brisk on morning time ✨5. Changing food habits these things are weight loss going to properly , so don't lose it your hope keep trying guys , here we go extra tips to follow it ,to boost up our weight loss journey guys🌟🌹🌹🌷1. To drink detox water in regular basis in which flavor you like it just follow it🌟🌹 2. To add in water Mint leaf and lemon Or cumin water Or etc.,🌹🌟 3.to following some exercises like walking (or) joking (or)skipping(or) swimming (or) climbing (or)cycling (or)yoga (or) work out but minimum one hour based the excerise going 🌹🌟4. Simple excerise to follow it home, just started warm up to starting excerise in morning time like crunches,push up and((every exercise to following 20 counts 5 sets 100 counts are there )))squats ,planks, burpees, lunges etc.🌹,🌹🌟5. Only thing follow it regularly guys don't crunch it yourself like a heavy exercise, only six days workout one day rest🌹🌟 6. Some person going to work out with all equipment that person surely one day rest of whole body 🌹🌟7. Weekly 5 or 6 days workout in gym is good for health🌹🌟 8. Don't be stress it yourself guys, is that thing not good for weight loss journey,🌟 🌹9.suddenly weight loss not happening guys it's going to slowly , becoz everyone body conditions different from others, metabolism boost up work out and diet more calories to burn it easily 🌹🌟10.monthly 3 to 4 kgs weight loss, is that good for health don't crunch it yourself guys, too much work hard to tired easily ,oh my god forget these point 🌟🌹11. Weekly one day cardio workout or sweat based work out important one ,ok guys following these methods surely weight loss happening with happily, always be happy with keep smiling 😁😁😁😁😁😁 ✨🌟⭐🦚
How to manage our weight in day today life
✨Hai guys wish you happy international labour Day to all today topic how to manage our weight, one important thing guys , this corona time everyone increased weight becoz of staying our ✨home but now everyone slowly move on works and college or others work or some countries staying home work from home still going, ✨but everyone not noticed our weight slowly increased suddenly one day our favorite or not fit because of increased weight how controlled or hiw manage our weight here we go ✨1.To eat only small quantity of food ✨2. This small quantity food is good for guts, not increased our guts avoiding belly fat ✨3. Some person manage to eating small quantity others have hungry to drinking small food + juice🍹+ fruits🍍🍎🍓🍇 salad to added or small cup of vegetables✨ 4. Is that method fullfill our stomach 5. ✨ After that meals or 🍲food complete to drinking a plain warm lemon🍋 juice 250 ml not add sugar or salt is good for digest 6.avoiding packed food or fried items,instead to take nuts, peanut,corn, fruits salad🥗7. ✨To take home food to eat only fresh one not stores in fridge, next day to plans not eat,better be avoiding 8.✨ Even 🍞🥖 bread to use fresh one not store too much and to make a home made butter 9. ✨ Don't eat too much if non - veg food, only monthly 4 times or weekly once to eating noonveg 10.lunch time to eat little more heavy food to✨ add non-veg Or sea food but after complete your meal + add your lemon juice🍹 10.dinner time to take a light food but before go to bed 10 clk sleeping time 7.30 complete your dinner is this good for digest system guys. 11. Do drinking 4 liter water per day remove toxins in our body your weight under your control easily,So follow simple method controlled weight in day today life be happy always smile😊😊😊😊😊😊 👋👋👋👋👋✨
loads of good thing in this nut
✨Hello guys! Today important one things remember this nuts just biy it eat well because loads of good things available in this nuts!✨Highly recommend to everyone but in case allergies of this just avoiding Walnuts look like a brain shape of nuts it's available ✨in department store or available in Online shopping, Personally recommend vegetarian and vegan diet following persons becoz this nuts victims B12 also there, ✨but this victims only available in 🥩meats ok here we go, how to consume this nuts to take 2 nuts per one day , this nuts✨✨ sodium, ✨Posstisum, victims A, D, B12, calcium, proteins, Magniusum, omega-3, good fat, rich antioxidants,etc.,✨✨ how to get benefits in our body✨ 1. Soaked nuts to eat daily to prevent Ed cancer 2. This nuts increase protein and good fat to improved immunity power3. Who is worried about sleeping problem this walnut help for deep sleep ✨4. To cure dryness from body,remove wrinkles and your skin to be hydrated 5. This walnut and milk both of make paste remove dark spot 6. Improve good digestive to cure stone in Gallbladder 7. To help fir weight loss ✨8. Increase hair growth and cure for hair fall with help victims B-7 9.improve brain health and increase memory power. 10.controlled blood sugar, ✨11. This nuts preventing heart - disease and stroke, 12.improve blood cells, 13.this nut help for sperm health and male fertility, 14. This nuts to cure girls periods problem particularly✨ irregular periods ok list so long I just stop other wise everyone 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴but walnuts to take regularly basis in day to day life to get more benefits guys ,ok bye stay healthy be happy 😁😁😁😁😁bye👋👋👋bye✨✨
follow the monthly and weekly hair mask
✨Hello guys! Today talk about hair mask of course as a beauty wise hair one of the place occupied, but maintain oil regularly apply in hair that good for hair, that oil maybe coconut oil or olive oil, castor oil, or home made oil is upon ✨ your wish but must apply oil regularly is good for hair, but am I ask about hair mask guys, of course scalp have a dirty becoz we not staying home , move on outside and traffic and pollution and sweating started to✨ itching that's going to end dandruff, once started to Dandruff next step hair fall, better be apply on hair weekly hair mask and and monthly hair mask 1. Weekly once use this hair mask -✨ to make easy this mask to take 7 or 8 small shallots or French red shallots, to peel the skin to put in blender to add 100 ml water grinding well to ✨remove stained shallots ,only to take that onion juice directly apply in scalped and hair careful to applying no to your eyes after one your wash your hair with normal shampoo or✨ shikakai powder ((indian hair wash powder called shikakai)) 2.monthly twice to this hair mask - fenugreek seeds soak in 1day before to take 25 or 50 grams seeds up on hair to increase grams, to add hibiscus🌺🌺✨ red color fresh or dry flowers 2 or 3 flowers and ,small shallots or French red shallots both 3 ingredients to grinding fine paste to directly apply on hair mask after one hour to wash in regular shampoo to get healthy hair ok bye ✨👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋✨bye be happy always
Are you healthy? 🤔 follow these activities
🌟✨Hello guys Am i dev sorry for later wishes wish you happy year guy's really what going on? In this world becoz covid 19 viruses change the mutation year by year how to controlled everyone freaking🌟✨ out still now but precautions moment going everyone country to caring our people through🌟✨ vaccines, boosters,lockdown ,restriction all things are going please obey rules as much as possible but people follow some hygiene activities in day today life becoz """"""there is reactions opposite reaction also there """""""""🌟✨only stronger viruses we are doing more stronger than immune system to develop through food habits and healthy activities to followed as much possible 🌟✨to get rid the problem one day I see it news daily million of dead still now spreading omicron and mutation the new type of viruses are please safe ourselves to enter public all place always 😷wearing masking and 🧴🤲🌟✨applied sanitizer prevention is better than cure 1. To drink Turmeric tea in early morning ,2. To drink soups a rasam 3,increse breathing exercises as pranayam 4. Please grown up money plant in our home 5.to drinking always hot water or boiling water 6. To take a food as much as warm not cool food especially in winter time 7.🌟✨ Your food may be boiling process is good for health 8. Avoid to stand up in tree in night time is good for night lockdown 9.early morning time 🌞 5 clk to half or one hour walking good for health 10.eating fruits and vegetables to add more 11.avoiding non-veg incase eating non-veg avoiding deeply fry in oil to use boiling method to cooking food🌟✨ please avoid the crowd place in public please don't be careless be happy always smile😊🌟✨
what Benincasa hispida Or kidney helper
🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev today talking about good vegetables guys so many names confused to identify this veg vegetables but scientific name in name called ✨✨Benincasa hispida oor ash gourd✨✨ one vegetables alot of benefit are there are How to consume --- this vegetables grind into juice or this vegetables to make dal gravy or salads according 🌟✨to use taste to add your vegetables in daily diet really good for you health guys list for benefits here we go:::::🌟1.water contains vegetables in 96percentagein add extra victims c and zinc🌟 2.cleansing your kidney life long goood bye for kidney stone 🌟3.best weight loss vegetables 🌟4. Good for better digest🌟 5. This hydrated your skin and sunburn treat gel or juice🌟 6. get rid of dandruff apply juice on your waiting 20 after wash it 🌟7. Cooling of the increase sharpness of mind body 🌟8 treat ulcers in your stomach 🌟9.increase energy levels 🌟10.improve your lungs health to take this vegetables to get happy always guys be smile 😊🌟✨
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what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty
🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨...

Dark chocolate, non -veg,veg,dress free facial
🌟✨Hello guys today talk about Banana stem soup or juice against for kidney stone sometimes doctor highly recommend it but juic...
🌟✨ Hello guys how are you, I hoping that everyone safe, Remember one thing guys corona not fully vanished in the world,so alwa...
🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev here today discussion about lunch someone time to take food light or skip breakfast so to take a lunch...