iron content dinner increase fat burning

🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev today discussion about dinner ok guys so many variety food follow our country with price afford to eat your dinner after taste it's must one but sometimes alternative for weight and good health conditions so take some change becoz all the day not eat for same kinds food burger, bread, rice, roti, millet, oats, pastha, whole grain to eat alternative days iron content food increase 🔴✨red blood cells avoid anemia particularly pregnant women not this woman all the human have to face this problem not to consider to join us cause of disease tired, weakness, immune system etc., better to take dinner to add🌟✨ Ragi dosa or finger milliet dosa how to make to buy ragi flour to add one small onion Fine chopped to add it with 2 or 3 red 🌶chili's chopped and coriander leaf and curry leaf with salt mixed like dosa  mixer  heat pan pour the mixed to apply oil wait 2 or 4 minutes flip it cook 2 minutes after to eat coconut sauce or chunteny finish ur dinner🌟✨  even same mixed like soft like donuts to put into deep fry into oil no more observe oil but the taste to yummy to eat healthy stay fit guys🌟✨😁😊

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what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty

🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨...

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