dry skin fack mask with natural ingredients

🌟✨Hello guys today discussion about dry skin fack compare oily skin acne skin dry skin make very dull because toooo uch of dryness because skin🌟✨ that based ya 🌟✨me too I have dry skin but all time to wear face thia one highly recommend because I try this fack so many change so soft and clear skin why not try this guys to get better results to take a🌟✨ one spoon of gram flour, one spoon adimuthram (or) licorice powder, one poon senna Corymbosa (or) avarampoo powder and one spoon orange peel powder (or) lemon peel powder to✅ add thick  curd only✅❌DON'T ADD WATER ❌ to mix in smoth paste apply in morning or after noon or night in which ur convinced  ur apply in 25 minutes after water normal water or cold water this mask to give more brightness in occasion time🌟✨ or festival time  this mask prepared to wear it  this mask paste store it 3 days in fridge t use because no add water so enjoy simple mask too get clear and glowing skin guy keep smile always be happy✨🌟😊😁

remove deadskin in daily basis

✨🌟 ((((really big big sorry guys for irregular post am I really worry about Ukraine and Russian issue and innocent people life, still going on I wish end soon not turned World war -3))))Hello guys today talking about how to remove deadskin in daily basis maintain skin important one whole body more important but face more than important when we appeared someone to before  our face main attraction,but alot of cream available in market to use it but few hours kept in your  face nafter slowly remove so before that ✨🌟skin care routine important one in daily basis how to do it it's very easy guys before go to bed remove make up highly important!!! one, sometimes man are not wearing makeup why do it skin care routine whole work day alot dirty appered skin particular oily✨🌟 skin person too much of pimples occupied at the same time start to wrinkles young age person to look old age to see it so do it simple skin care routine highly important in man how do it here we go🌟 ✨1. Before go to bed cleaning your face in herbal products to use ur skin type based one🌟 ✨2.mlid scrub Alovera gel and rice powder mix apply face mlid scrubs and wash it scrubs to use in face weekly twice not do it daily basis 🌟✨3.applied mask gramflour and rice flour and turmeric or rose pedal powder or rose water and curd oil skin person only use water instead of curd to use 20 ✨minutes after wash it 🌟✨4.applied lotion or essential oil or Kukmathi oil or almond oil or victim c oil or anything for convinent to use it but regular based that all guys do it follow regular basis ur skin flawless and look Young keep smile always happy😊😇✨🌟

senna corymbosa 🌺🌻🌹🌷 flower

Hello guys today talk about senna corymbosa in the plant of genus senna or In our country to call Avarampoo flower ok i can hear mind voice what we do that in this flower so many health benefits and clear skin better assurance of this flower in our country olden days my ancestors to follow eat flower daliy basis to get out our death that no more serious disease not face it in life time but today every 10 human 1 person no more face health problems particular diabetes patients all over world this flower how to make a tea to take 400 ml water put into senna flower or avarmpoo or this flower powder to bolied until change golden color✅ to add jaggery ✅incase  have sweet ❌❌don't add sugar❌❌1.highly recommend for diabetes patients this  flower tea (((senna flower powder all time available in online very low cost))) 2.senna flower powder to make a paste with water apply face wash better skin or use it bath powder 3.reduce body heat🔥4. Girls have period problem have a stomach pain best medicine of this tea 4.cancer prevention tea 5.if u have any kidney problems to consume this tea 6. Incase urine infection or inflammation better to consume this tea etc., guys list bit long better be consume this tea to see the live results with 6 months be happy keep smile don't forget to drink senna Flower tea or avarmpoo tea 👋bye👋bye 👋

drink a natural spices water

🌟✨Hello guys today we are discussion about how to consum different types water with ✨spices to drink with taste one let we start guys here we go basically normally we are drinking water 1 or 2 litres consum daily basis but as per 🌟weight 20 kg weight 1 litres consum incase  60 kg weight as a person to consum water 3 litres per day sometimes plain water not to ✨🌟drink its vomit sensation to coming  some person to think it dextox  water it's good one but all time it's possible  little difficult but this method dextox water but this type spices add your water to drink it different taste cardamom, cinnamon, fennel seeds, cuminseed, tulsi,both 4 spices and leaf both of add your water to drink it regular✨🌟 water to take one small  cardamom put into water just little tearing  piece of✨🌟 caradom put into water  after cinnamon just little piece put into water and fennel and cumin seeds both of 1 small table spoon  put into water to drink different taste of water easy to consum guys but slowly in take the water minimum 2 hours once to finished 1 litres water✨🌟 guys because in our body so many unwanted toxic remove  way only water slowly process to completed this toxic so be hydrated with this type flavor water better skin surely possible keep smile always happy 😊😇✨

Don't be crunch yourself excessive 🏋🚴💪 work out

Hello guys how are you? I think corona reduce day by day get back to work  and excessive work out also Don't crunch yourself too much of work out because body too much relax in corona period of time not workout gym in home excersize so Be calm and be polite doing work out beginning time I heard mind voice but normal time work out in gym that also calm do it  too much work out sometime body react side affectets like tiredness, soreness, don't be shock in body parts  what type work outDo it today tomorrow do it another type workout do it except walking guys otherwise work out to follow day by day change it one day cycling, another day aerobic if you have chance climbing🧗‍♂️ small mountain , or yoga or 🏋🚴💪gymnastics or cardio workout change day by day of you have interested in workout don't be boring why is important ! excersize  old period we are not use too much vehicle but now with out vehicle we can't move it one place to another place our 🩸blood 🩸circulation important one with out workout impossible one don't be seat one place if u don't have time to work out just 👣walking 👣one hour per day or using steps avoid lifting clean ur house once a week or maintain your garden etc important one thing regular basis work out too much of healthy so don't pressure yourself be calm stay fit keep smile guys 😇🙂

drink a food in regular basis day today life

Hello guys  sorry for delay post I have reason exam preparation and festival time !!!sorry once again !!!how to consume the food in daily basis important one because what we eat that food not proper digest to stock one place part of body to convert bad Chosteral to increase your weight  some time deposit fat once place that body looks like different and not wearing proper dress particularly in which dress like lt not wearing occasion or festival time so many health issues randomly connect so better to improve digest food so  Better be drink a food best medicine all the time ok i can hear 🧠 mind voice how to drink a food  it's really easy one don't to eat hard one  example  in our country Tamilnadu  to eat idly  to eat very soft to add  dal gravy to consume liquid based both of bliod very soft and easy to digest to take one hour walk in daily basis in morning time to reduce weight loss easily not whatever to eat a food not eat hard to be soft so soft particularly says to double bliod food easliy digest  to drink water 4 litres to increase metabolism remove waste age in stomach our clean for all the time inside too health y of course outside don't wear makeup  always wearing smile keep healthy😇😊

iron soup or drumstick leaf 🍀

Hello guys today we are see about iron deficiency nobody understands this deficiency this iron content may be low to change anemia stop reproduce red blood cells too much health issues particularly pregnant women iron content so much of important  in baby growth so intake this food daily basis to avoid this deficiency 🍀 Drumstick leaf 🍀 take a soup or muruinka keerai Poriyal (tamil language ((Tamilnadu )) or drumstick 🍀leafs in our state this leaf number of place available particularly Village side not only leaf ,even this flowers, drumstick everything to use minimum 3 days use with a week in our  traditional follow it but taste wise so good in according to me in India normal dal and leaf both of cook keed it aside to pour oil and mustard seed add small onion and chill fake fry it add the all the ingredients to boiling 10 minutes after pour ((((dal - dal  (protin content are there) another name pigeon pea --other countries  toor dal thuvaram paruppu - india ))))leaf gravy with rice one spoon of ghee oh my god that yummy one1. Weight loss 2. To cure blood pressure 3. Andi Oxidant food 4.improve red cells 5. To cure animea  how to make ((drumstick leaf soup)) add one cup leaf small onions ,tomato, garlic ,cumin seed,  green 🌶 chili or pepper and salt In case buy it dal- ((pigeon pea or toor dal thuvaram paruppu))to add it boiling 1/2 hour until ur wait aroma coming to pour a cup  to serve our family  and friends ((((this leaf not available buy it online or drumstick powder to make a soup))) to say goodbye iron deficiency guys bye 👋bye 👋guys keeps health  stay fit

what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty

🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨...

Dark chocolate, non -veg,veg,dress free facial