remove deadskin in daily basis

✨🌟 ((((really big big sorry guys for irregular post am I really worry about Ukraine and Russian issue and innocent people life, still going on I wish end soon not turned World war -3))))Hello guys today talking about how to remove deadskin in daily basis maintain skin important one whole body more important but face more than important when we appeared someone to before  our face main attraction,but alot of cream available in market to use it but few hours kept in your  face nafter slowly remove so before that ✨🌟skin care routine important one in daily basis how to do it it's very easy guys before go to bed remove make up highly important!!! one, sometimes man are not wearing makeup why do it skin care routine whole work day alot dirty appered skin particular oily✨🌟 skin person too much of pimples occupied at the same time start to wrinkles young age person to look old age to see it so do it simple skin care routine highly important in man how do it here we go🌟 ✨1. Before go to bed cleaning your face in herbal products to use ur skin type based one🌟 ✨2.mlid scrub Alovera gel and rice powder mix apply face mlid scrubs and wash it scrubs to use in face weekly twice not do it daily basis 🌟✨3.applied mask gramflour and rice flour and turmeric or rose pedal powder or rose water and curd oil skin person only use water instead of curd to use 20 ✨minutes after wash it 🌟✨4.applied lotion or essential oil or Kukmathi oil or almond oil or victim c oil or anything for convinent to use it but regular based that all guys do it follow regular basis ur skin flawless and look Young keep smile always happy😊😇✨🌟

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what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty

🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨...

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