what Benincasa hispida Or kidney helper

🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev today talking about good vegetables guys so many names confused to identify this veg vegetables but scientific name in name called ✨✨Benincasa hispida oor ash gourd✨✨ one vegetables alot of benefit are there are How to consume ---  this vegetables grind into juice or this vegetables to make dal gravy or salads according 🌟✨to use taste to add your vegetables in daily diet really good for you health guys list for benefits here we go:::::🌟1.water contains vegetables in 96percentagein add extra victims c and zinc🌟 2.cleansing your kidney life long goood bye for kidney stone 🌟3.best weight loss vegetables 🌟4. Good for better digest🌟 5. This hydrated your skin and sunburn treat gel or juice🌟 6. get rid of dandruff apply juice on your waiting 20 after wash it 🌟7. Cooling of the increase sharpness of mind body 🌟8 treat ulcers in your stomach  🌟9.increase energy levels 🌟10.improve your lungs health to take this vegetables to get happy always guys be smile  😊🌟✨

do you know pisum sativum rich antioxidant snack

🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev today topic little confused I think but always eat healthy  snacks sometimes cheating not all time but health snacks vital role to play it, family✨🌟 members and children also eat very well actually this name pisum sativum or Dry peas this dry pea available on online store so buy it that place this Dry pea soak it  night time after boil it ✨🌟4 whistle according to boiling methods to use after rinsed water to cut into onion or chopping onion and grind the coconut to pour oil to add mustard seed to put into curry leaves add some 🌟✨🌶chili's or powder and turmeric powder put into onion and coconut try fry it  until little brown after pour the boiling peas add some coriander leave s boiling peas add some salt as your taste guys to eat it better snacks all time this dry peas help for ✨🌟weight loss, good for🫀 heart and diabetes patients this peas rich in antioxidants are there rich victim C, E, and zinc victim A, B also there guys reduce inflammation in your body why are waste your time to make your family enjoy best evening healthy snacks guys be happy always smile😊 🌟✨

weight less food and weight loss food also

✨🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev thank you for after long days see my post thank for your support really one thing says everyone forget I think but unbelievable everyone reading my post thanks alot guys by the way keep safe omicron enter the festival season time 🎅wish you Happy Christmas🎅ok let go our discussion topic mostly food easliy digest not stay in our body in case stay body to convert fat Or cholesterol to increase weight particularly lockdown time  helpful increase weight but to take this type of food easily digest 🌟✨🌟to help our body weight controlled and get skin glow of food guys weekly 2 or 3 time to eat this food ok I heard mind voice that Name of food: idiyappam Or string hopper Or Noolputtu with coconut thick milk and cardamom to add roasted gram Or pottukadalai ✨✨🌟this food so famous in South india especially  Kerala and Tamilnadu Kerala people weekly 5 days to eat compared to Tamilnadu  this food very light to eat coconut milk cured ulcers pain in stomach regular intake permanently stay glow in face ,weight under control , especially easily digest this food how to make idiyappam Or string hopper in type google Or YouTube so many video are there  to eat healthy food to get better skin and better life always ok bye bye guys keep smile 😊✨✨✨

daily routine with CMM what 🤔

🌟 be safe in omicron to be vaccine important one vaccine guys to be safe to enter the crowd  😷always wear mask and 🧴🤲sanitized ##prevention better than cure# # Hello guys I'm dev  sorry for long break some person issues sorry for  once again today discussion about daily cleaning process not inside  it's face healthy eating to maintain better ✨skin but cleaning important one daily routine more important one guys because today pollution everyone place occurred so maintenance  your skin vital role on your life particular✨ face so do with these simple steps daily basis Your skin look like healthy and glowing 1.🌟 Cleaning your face hearbal face wash aviod chemical products 2.wear simple✨ mask 3.moisturizer your skin 4. Avoid exfolited in daily basis or scrub 5.  ✨Particularly Cleaning your hand and legs in alternative day depends on skin based  shortly used your natural things to be safe and softskin no more side effects on skin to follow✨ 🌟1.cleaning face with normal milk applied face wait 15 minutes after rinse cold water 2. Gram flour and turmeric and curd mixed paste Applied on face mask in 20 mintues after rinse with normal water 3. ✨Use natural moisture products Or home made ghee to applied particular dry skin person🌟 important things before go to bed applied castor oil applied in your eyes eye lashes and eye brows and used lip palm or natural home made ghee Or butter to get smooth lips 🌟✨ok guys to be happy with skin bye bye👋👋👋👋👋😊 be smile always 

iron content dinner increase fat burning

🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev today discussion about dinner ok guys so many variety food follow our country with price afford to eat your dinner after taste it's must one but sometimes alternative for weight and good health conditions so take some change becoz all the day not eat for same kinds food burger, bread, rice, roti, millet, oats, pastha, whole grain to eat alternative days iron content food increase 🔴✨red blood cells avoid anemia particularly pregnant women not this woman all the human have to face this problem not to consider to join us cause of disease tired, weakness, immune system etc., better to take dinner to add🌟✨ Ragi dosa or finger milliet dosa how to make to buy ragi flour to add one small onion Fine chopped to add it with 2 or 3 red 🌶chili's chopped and coriander leaf and curry leaf with salt mixed like dosa  mixer  heat pan pour the mixed to apply oil wait 2 or 4 minutes flip it cook 2 minutes after to eat coconut sauce or chunteny finish ur dinner🌟✨  even same mixed like soft like donuts to put into deep fry into oil no more observe oil but the taste to yummy to eat healthy stay fit guys🌟✨😁😊

beware of these thing oily skin person

✨🌟Hello guys i' m dev today talk about oil skin person how to treat our in our home this guys naturally good skin compare to dry skin but oily skin person facing big problem pimples alot of oil  segregation in our skin so that reason observe dirty Easily so many skin problem occurred in our face ✨🌟❌1.Avoid oily food ❌2.don't use hot water because hot water increase pores to more oil segregation not good for  oily skin person many skin problem joined us ❌3.avoid pollution as much as possible to wear mask or proper arrangements do it ❌4.all the skin type person  🌟✨must take water 4 to 5 litres water per day ❌5.to use herbal products to consider dermatologist particularly oily skin person ❌✅1.natural way to decrease oil to use this face mask to take one spoon gram flour and one spoon rose water or rose powder both mix it like past to apply face 20 minutes after washing face ✨🌟✅2. ice cube rub the face in morning face minimize the pores of face ✅  these common thing of oily face to do it take  a fruits and vegetables  as much as possible ur guys oily skin person must careful to eat sea food  because that oil Content is there  to keep safe ur skin be happy 🌟✨😁😊

morning healthy snacks

✨🌟Hello guys I'm dev again it's me ok let get started morning snack what morning snack ha yes guys  after completed break fast and  🌟✨go to next meal that means lunch time or next meal inbetween gap minimum 3 to 4 hours there that  time to take healthy snack important one that called mini hungry maximum pizza or burger it's ok but not prefer all day weekly 1 or 2 days others I prefer for healthy and ✨🌟protein and iron content snack in mini hungry time peanut and dates 4 or 5 piece of date and ur preferable nuts but one hand full peanuts bolied or dry roast nuts or 🌽🌽🌽🌽corn and which fruit ur like choose it one✨🌟 this peanut protin and mineral and victims ,memory booster,  good fats are there  date it's good for skin and hair increase energy and natural booster ,the rich antioxidant at the good for heart❤ it's best snack for all the time to eat healthy stay fit bye bye guys😁🌟✨

best meal of lunch time or to take snack

🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev here today discussion about lunch someone time to take food light or skip breakfast so to take a lunch in heavy one or to eat full meal this not good for stomach to take a meal 6 time or 4 time per day to separate diet 🥦🍎🥗🥦🍎🥗🥦🍎🥗 plan for ur convenience time but to day talking about 🔴 RED kidney beans 🔴or rajma in India with jeera rice or brown rice or milliet  to take one meal in lunch time  cucumber🥒and red kidney beans to soak one day before or over night to bolied to add little salt 4 whistle or 5 whistle  after rinse  water  to pour oil in vessels to add muster seeds, one onion slice and green chili 🌶 and grind  coconut🥥 small cup to add fine satute in 10 minutes to add red kidney beans to add coriander leaf to add taste better to eat snack time in children🌟✨ so many health benefits  are there here listen out 1. Improve immune system 2.it's good for pregnant lady 3. Maintenance blood pressure 4.prevent cancer 5. To help weight loss 6. Impove bone strength7.cure for digest problem 8.observe irot content improve red blood cells 9 it's good for heart health it name kidney beans it's good for human kidney and energy levels too high guys 10.it's things have victim A to improve eye vision also list going guys everyone sleep now 😴😴😴ok bye 👋👋bye forget to saying keep smile 😁😁😁😴😴😴✅✅6 or 8 hours ⌛ must sleep guys✅✅🌟✨

simply healthy breakfast with cocoa powder and juice😋🍹

🌟✨Hello guys I'm dev let discussion about healthy breakfast ok  first of all before go to bed finish ur dinner 3 hours before Incase 7 clk dinner time 10 clk sleeping time easy to digest to sleep and wake up early ok it's breakfast time guys don't skip our breakfast at the same time it's healthy one because First meal more energetic one choose it To take a brown bread and cocoa powder and jaggery and juice🍞 what 🤔cocoa powder wait wait to take 2 or 3 spoon cocoa powder and add brown sugar syrup (or )pure jaggery syrup both of add like a paste to apply bread to eat healthy one and small cup of fruit salad 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍉🍇🍓🫐🍒🥭🍍🥑🥕🥒🥬and 🥥pure coconut milk 🥥250 ml thick milk add cardamom powder and little brown sugar to extra 😋tasty one I know it little costly but please take a break fast alternative days or weekly twice  but highly recommend FRUITS and VEGETABLES to add ur diet list daliy based don't drink fruit Convent into juice don't drinking juice but lemon juice to drink it victim c juicec not pomegranate and orange juice to take a raw fruit only I hope you ur enjoy this breakfast and don't forget ur work out or yoga or 👣walking to keep healthy always be smile😊 ✨🌟

This things against healthy and beauty wise

🌟✨Hello guys today talking about someactivites there are know about ur do it just awareness of these things just check it guys ❌1 don't drinking alcohol and cigarette strictly banned health and beauty blog just avoid it highly recommend thing activities❌ ❌2 Don't eat too much of food not good for health to eat small quantity of food in 6 Times per day easier to digest ❌ ❌3.strictly avoid deep oil food and fat &cream food in daily basis to take occasion time or festival Time just eat one day but limited level❌4.Don't be stated one place to work out for one hour in guym according to ur convince time or 👣walking❌❌5. Don't take hard food❌✅whatever food to double boiling to eat that to soft and juice one ✅1.to take fruits and vegetables as much as possible ❌but avoid to eat in empty stomach to take First food banana because  ❌✅2.to drink 4 or 5 litre water per day ✅✅3.workout in gym or jocking or running or but in daily basis ✅✅4.cold country to take food warm one in case near deserts or hot 🥵place country to take coolest food like curd and coconut water to add more  ✅✅5.Don't get too much of worry,tension and stress not good for health and beauty wise✅ ok guys aviod and advantage both of there this not beauty things  it's health is wealth after not follow bad angel pick our life forever say goodbye the world please be aware of good thing be happy always smile 🌟✨😇🙂

banana stem against for kidney stone

 🌟✨Hello guys today talk about Banana stem soup or juice against for kidney stone sometimes doctor highly recommend it but juice sometimes little bit taste some of it ignore but this type  soup  very taste one everyone drink it to prepare in home to take small size banana stem to cut small piece to grinding into paste  and one spoon cumin ,pepper, fennel seed,8 garlic and one small onions both of grinding  🌟✨keep it aside add cooking oil in vessels add curry leaves to pour banana stem paste to satute in 5 minute and masala paste (cumin,pepper,fennel,garlic and onion paste) both of fine satute 5 minutes after pour 1/2 litres water to add salt to boli 10 or 15 minutes after to drink it little warm to get lot of benefit like🌟 1.dextoxting ur body 🌟2.best digest to work on this soup 🌟3.weighloss,🌟4.to reduce Cholesterol level 🌟5, reduce blood pressure level 6.remove kidney stone in all ages category to drink soup weekly once to drink highly recommend men to affected kidney stone better to consume months twice or thrice to get cured this kidney stone problem 🌟6.to remove gastric problem so many health to drink banana stem soup to drink happy stay healthy 😇😊

dry skin fack mask with natural ingredients

🌟✨Hello guys today discussion about dry skin fack compare oily skin acne skin dry skin make very dull because toooo uch of dryness because skin🌟✨ that based ya 🌟✨me too I have dry skin but all time to wear face thia one highly recommend because I try this fack so many change so soft and clear skin why not try this guys to get better results to take a🌟✨ one spoon of gram flour, one spoon adimuthram (or) licorice powder, one poon senna Corymbosa (or) avarampoo powder and one spoon orange peel powder (or) lemon peel powder to✅ add thick  curd only✅❌DON'T ADD WATER ❌ to mix in smoth paste apply in morning or after noon or night in which ur convinced  ur apply in 25 minutes after water normal water or cold water this mask to give more brightness in occasion time🌟✨ or festival time  this mask prepared to wear it  this mask paste store it 3 days in fridge t use because no add water so enjoy simple mask too get clear and glowing skin guy keep smile always be happy✨🌟😊😁

remove deadskin in daily basis

✨🌟 ((((really big big sorry guys for irregular post am I really worry about Ukraine and Russian issue and innocent people life, still going on I wish end soon not turned World war -3))))Hello guys today talking about how to remove deadskin in daily basis maintain skin important one whole body more important but face more than important when we appeared someone to before  our face main attraction,but alot of cream available in market to use it but few hours kept in your  face nafter slowly remove so before that ✨🌟skin care routine important one in daily basis how to do it it's very easy guys before go to bed remove make up highly important!!! one, sometimes man are not wearing makeup why do it skin care routine whole work day alot dirty appered skin particular oily✨🌟 skin person too much of pimples occupied at the same time start to wrinkles young age person to look old age to see it so do it simple skin care routine highly important in man how do it here we go🌟 ✨1. Before go to bed cleaning your face in herbal products to use ur skin type based one🌟 ✨2.mlid scrub Alovera gel and rice powder mix apply face mlid scrubs and wash it scrubs to use in face weekly twice not do it daily basis 🌟✨3.applied mask gramflour and rice flour and turmeric or rose pedal powder or rose water and curd oil skin person only use water instead of curd to use 20 ✨minutes after wash it 🌟✨4.applied lotion or essential oil or Kukmathi oil or almond oil or victim c oil or anything for convinent to use it but regular based that all guys do it follow regular basis ur skin flawless and look Young keep smile always happy😊😇✨🌟

senna corymbosa 🌺🌻🌹🌷 flower

Hello guys today talk about senna corymbosa in the plant of genus senna or In our country to call Avarampoo flower ok i can hear mind voice what we do that in this flower so many health benefits and clear skin better assurance of this flower in our country olden days my ancestors to follow eat flower daliy basis to get out our death that no more serious disease not face it in life time but today every 10 human 1 person no more face health problems particular diabetes patients all over world this flower how to make a tea to take 400 ml water put into senna flower or avarmpoo or this flower powder to bolied until change golden color✅ to add jaggery ✅incase  have sweet ❌❌don't add sugar❌❌1.highly recommend for diabetes patients this  flower tea (((senna flower powder all time available in online very low cost))) 2.senna flower powder to make a paste with water apply face wash better skin or use it bath powder 3.reduce body heat🔥4. Girls have period problem have a stomach pain best medicine of this tea 4.cancer prevention tea 5.if u have any kidney problems to consume this tea 6. Incase urine infection or inflammation better to consume this tea etc., guys list bit long better be consume this tea to see the live results with 6 months be happy keep smile don't forget to drink senna Flower tea or avarmpoo tea 👋bye👋bye 👋

drink a natural spices water

🌟✨Hello guys today we are discussion about how to consum different types water with ✨spices to drink with taste one let we start guys here we go basically normally we are drinking water 1 or 2 litres consum daily basis but as per 🌟weight 20 kg weight 1 litres consum incase  60 kg weight as a person to consum water 3 litres per day sometimes plain water not to ✨🌟drink its vomit sensation to coming  some person to think it dextox  water it's good one but all time it's possible  little difficult but this method dextox water but this type spices add your water to drink it different taste cardamom, cinnamon, fennel seeds, cuminseed, tulsi,both 4 spices and leaf both of add your water to drink it regular✨🌟 water to take one small  cardamom put into water just little tearing  piece of✨🌟 caradom put into water  after cinnamon just little piece put into water and fennel and cumin seeds both of 1 small table spoon  put into water to drink different taste of water easy to consum guys but slowly in take the water minimum 2 hours once to finished 1 litres water✨🌟 guys because in our body so many unwanted toxic remove  way only water slowly process to completed this toxic so be hydrated with this type flavor water better skin surely possible keep smile always happy 😊😇✨

Don't be crunch yourself excessive 🏋🚴💪 work out

Hello guys how are you? I think corona reduce day by day get back to work  and excessive work out also Don't crunch yourself too much of work out because body too much relax in corona period of time not workout gym in home excersize so Be calm and be polite doing work out beginning time I heard mind voice but normal time work out in gym that also calm do it  too much work out sometime body react side affectets like tiredness, soreness, don't be shock in body parts  what type work outDo it today tomorrow do it another type workout do it except walking guys otherwise work out to follow day by day change it one day cycling, another day aerobic if you have chance climbing🧗‍♂️ small mountain , or yoga or 🏋🚴💪gymnastics or cardio workout change day by day of you have interested in workout don't be boring why is important ! excersize  old period we are not use too much vehicle but now with out vehicle we can't move it one place to another place our 🩸blood 🩸circulation important one with out workout impossible one don't be seat one place if u don't have time to work out just 👣walking 👣one hour per day or using steps avoid lifting clean ur house once a week or maintain your garden etc important one thing regular basis work out too much of healthy so don't pressure yourself be calm stay fit keep smile guys 😇🙂

drink a food in regular basis day today life

Hello guys  sorry for delay post I have reason exam preparation and festival time !!!sorry once again !!!how to consume the food in daily basis important one because what we eat that food not proper digest to stock one place part of body to convert bad Chosteral to increase your weight  some time deposit fat once place that body looks like different and not wearing proper dress particularly in which dress like lt not wearing occasion or festival time so many health issues randomly connect so better to improve digest food so  Better be drink a food best medicine all the time ok i can hear 🧠 mind voice how to drink a food  it's really easy one don't to eat hard one  example  in our country Tamilnadu  to eat idly  to eat very soft to add  dal gravy to consume liquid based both of bliod very soft and easy to digest to take one hour walk in daily basis in morning time to reduce weight loss easily not whatever to eat a food not eat hard to be soft so soft particularly says to double bliod food easliy digest  to drink water 4 litres to increase metabolism remove waste age in stomach our clean for all the time inside too health y of course outside don't wear makeup  always wearing smile keep healthy😇😊

iron soup or drumstick leaf 🍀

Hello guys today we are see about iron deficiency nobody understands this deficiency this iron content may be low to change anemia stop reproduce red blood cells too much health issues particularly pregnant women iron content so much of important  in baby growth so intake this food daily basis to avoid this deficiency 🍀 Drumstick leaf 🍀 take a soup or muruinka keerai Poriyal (tamil language ((Tamilnadu )) or drumstick 🍀leafs in our state this leaf number of place available particularly Village side not only leaf ,even this flowers, drumstick everything to use minimum 3 days use with a week in our  traditional follow it but taste wise so good in according to me in India normal dal and leaf both of cook keed it aside to pour oil and mustard seed add small onion and chill fake fry it add the all the ingredients to boiling 10 minutes after pour ((((dal - dal  (protin content are there) another name pigeon pea --other countries  toor dal thuvaram paruppu - india ))))leaf gravy with rice one spoon of ghee oh my god that yummy one1. Weight loss 2. To cure blood pressure 3. Andi Oxidant food 4.improve red cells 5. To cure animea  how to make ((drumstick leaf soup)) add one cup leaf small onions ,tomato, garlic ,cumin seed,  green 🌶 chili or pepper and salt In case buy it dal- ((pigeon pea or toor dal thuvaram paruppu))to add it boiling 1/2 hour until ur wait aroma coming to pour a cup  to serve our family  and friends ((((this leaf not available buy it online or drumstick powder to make a soup))) to say goodbye iron deficiency guys bye 👋bye 👋guys keeps health  stay fit

victim c fruit or street food 🤔

Hello guys today  we are see that one fruit that called street food this fruit remember our childhood days me and my friends buy it alot to cut into small piece to sprinkle🌶chili powder and salt both of mixed to eat oh my god that 😋yummy wait guys am I hear it mind voice Guava va this fruit called victim c fruit everyone to see it road side or market place or someone have a tree in house don't waste time to eat a fruit regular basis or alternative days becoz all victims their particularly victim c high level content are there easliy oberve iron content before that have victim  C important to eat best snacks all the time particularly kids to improve bone health and teeth but diabetes patients best consultant doctor to eat it becoz some fruit to sweet increase sugar levels otherwise better to heart but this guava leaf to better for diabetes patients to take 3 to 4 leaf cut into small piece to pour 1/2 water put into leaf to boli until change water color 250 ml to pour to drink empty slowly reduce sugar level 1.improve heart health2. Improve digest system3.prevent cancer cells4.to help weight loss 5. Improve immune system 6.this good your skin etc..,some people apply victim c serum better to intake to get better results ok guy👋 bye👋 bye keep smile have it guava still not eat it ya already 2 guava eat with chili's powder mmmmmmm....... Yummy😋 

natural energy drink with low cost

Hello guys really thanks alot who read my post regularly thank you so much nothing to say your support guys no words to type ok ok today talk about Natural energy drink ya yes guys with buy it low cost so many of benefit of there Coconut water ya indians everyone knows particular Kerala state to live in coconut tree to use moisture skin with  coconut oil and cooking oil also, regular use oil pulling improve teeth health  Coconut water to stay 6 to 10 months stay in coconut tree after consume alot of benefit are there coconut milk To drink regular basis to say goodbye for stomach ulcers even improve skin color and best use hair care to apply this coconut milk just massage your scalp wait 30 minutes after wash normal shampoo  water smooth shine ur hair regular use it  to more benefit to follow 1.Natural energy drink or sports drink 2.to equal potassium compare to banana 3. Calcium and magnesium 4.rich antioxidants work in anti aging drink 4. Keeps heart healthy 5 . Prevent cancer list going guys.........everyone  😴sleep not read my blog bye👋 bye👋don't forget to drink coconut water keeps  health stay hydrated 😇

my friendly fruit forever and my favorite😋 fruit

Hello today we are waiting another post of my favorite fruit forever and my tasty fruit some time I peel whole fruit store in fridge to eat Empty stomach that Before break fast to this fruit sometimes  ok ok which fruit asking ur mind  here it Pomegranate guys really that red fruit pick me to eat  to call alot because  that taste I like a lot please avoid juice to eat full fruit becoz juice sweet to add sugar or honey to add for to eat Raw fruit  without processing not change it to get wellness of too much of follow some benefit 1.cancer prevent 2.improve immune system 3.to develop our fertility man and woman both have it 4. Rich antioxidant  fruit 3 much level increased improve skin texture regular use it5. Protection of cell damage6. Improve digest and recovery diarrhea 7.relief our stress level 7.recoverd arthritis ( join pain swelling to cure it) 8❤prevent heart disease❤9. maintenance cholesterol  & blood pressure 10. Victims C, E, Kand folate and potassium 11.improve memory power 12.sportsman  to take fruit daily basis becoz to cure for soreness diabetes patients to take a fruit before consultant your doctor in empty stomach otherwise to eat fruit regular basis to get all the benefits be happy bye 👋bye 👋

watercontent vegetable or lauki oh bottle ground

Hello guys today discuss about important vegetable   lauki ,doodhi I India oh bottle ground yes most important vegetable list of benefit this one are there 1. 92 percentage of water content are there  2. Alot  of vitamins are vitamin c, vitamin B vitamin k, vitamin A, E, iron, folate, magnesium & ppotassium are these. 3.this vegetable reduce the inflammation in liver and kidney 4.it helps digest system becoz water and fiber content are there 5.it helps weight loss 6.increased metabolism 7.recover the lower blood pressure 8.improve bone health 9 .✨ Skin alnd immune system✨ 10.its good for diabetic patients how to take lauki Or doodhi or🥒 bottle ground to take soup or Indian to take sambar dal and bottle ground  both of boiled after to pour oil add onion and cumin and chilli to fry until brown to mix all ingredients   to add dinner time gravy roti or brown rice nice combination incase to add  main dinner this vegetable or lunch time to take bottle ground to cut small pieces  to pour sesame oil to add mustards seeds and one medium onion to add chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, to fry until gloden brown after put into 🥒bottle ground small piece to be add to pour some water until boil after to take peanut to grinding fine powder to put into mix to add some salt to eat a dish dinner time or lunch time to add vegetable alternative days to get better results guys bye bye 😊😊

how to handle it types of skin

Hello guys today how to maintains ur skin  and understand skin What type of skin your skin Dry skin or combination skin or oil skin first of all understand that becoz all the type of product before menntion that dry skin face mask or oil skin cleanser are typed to see it before check it after buy it that product becoz in which look attractive product or ad ur not  buy it before check that how to reflect skin how much members use it and results before check it  included herbal product also  Too much of junk food not good for health not only Piazza and burgar but including too much of rice , too much roti the quantity and quality are more important daliy one spoon of ghee good for digestive system and skin glowing but daily basis of ghee sweet not good for health increase weight too much sugar content food to promote age growth fastly so what do eat that reflect on face per day 1/2 kg 🥑🥕🥒🫒🥬🥦🌽🍆vegetables intake ur food and must take fruit salad one small cup avoid juice take a full fruit🍍🍎🍓but some vegetables juice oor soup to follow this habits regular basis in which type skin your skin glow and  increase color or enhance or more brighting skin with following food habits regular basis at least 6 months to get better result bye 👋bye👋guys😇

lose weight naturally with horse gram

Hello guys !!! sorry long break becoz network problem by the continue my blog daily basis today 🪚fat cutting 🪚✂️drinking ya ✂️yes guys corona time normal weight everyone increase weight 2 to 5 kg weight increase to drink soup daily basis or alternative days to follow to reduce weight gradually within month🐴 kollu or horses gram buy  it online available all the time how to prepare this to take one small cup of horse gram or kollu 🐴to boil with some salt and one small spoon of cumin seeds to boil utill change water color and horse gram or kollu aroma coimg after drained horses gram keep aside to take drink pour the water 250 ml to add pepper powder add coriander to drink tasty  extra benefit evening snacks🐴 horses gram or kollu  to pour oil and onion and chill to satuted until golden brown add 🐴horses gram mixed properly to eat evening snack or to take half food of dinner time to reduce weight normally to follow some excersize or walking or yoga keep healthy stay fit keep smile😊😎 

wrinkles free face

✨Hello guys how are you ? today we discussion about wrinkle free massage  we are face alot of challenge in today we are healthy to eating food but maintenance some activities like oil massage in our ✨face daily ✨basis in just 5 minutes in activities to change habits ur prevent and delayed ur aging process suddenly ask about age age is only number to count days to remain what we done or not in the world✨ just remarkable count number that's all otherwise weekly twice oil bath  ✨and daily basis of oil massage 5 minutes to get good bright skin reduce body heat prevent wrinkles ✨to try it regular basis  but use ✨3 type oil olive oil , coconut oil, and badam oil ✨face massage in daily basis but oil bath for (full body) only use pure seasem oil reduce heat level particular twice head massage better hair look s🌞hine to coconut oil and badam oil to try better results in regular basis guys have great😇 ✨face keep smile 😁😁

dry skin face mask

Hello guys how are you I hope everyone well  if u have dry this post for guys  if u have dry skin too much of dryness starting to irrigation our skin particularly in winter season do this face mask to make skin so soft and shuffle if u have Butter without salt or home made butter and 🍫dark chocolate or coco power or plain 🍫  if u  have  adark chocolate melted with hot water add with one spoon of butter both mixed with spoon  to mixed paste consistency to apply your face wait for 15 minutes or 20 minute after rinsed with normal water please don't use hot water  Important note :to eat more fruits and water to hydrated skin because what's  you're eat that reflect on face  permanent beauty to eat healthy please check food  diet regular basis be careful what do eat in regular basis check out once monthly be happy always wearing smile😊

why is not called Nature tea

Hello guys how are  you we are survive covid 19  🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏PLEASE SAVE AFGHANISTAN PEOPLE LIKE FRANCE AND INDIA PLEASE SAVE OTHER NATION SECURED AFGHANISTAN PEOPLE SHOW YOUR KINDNESS 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 today try it new  type of tea why is  not called a natural tea 1.Guava leaf tea and 🌺🌺2.Hibiscus tea 🌺🌺1. how to make it get guava leaf (3  or 4 ) put on vessels to add one class water (250 ml) to boli change until leaf color or colour after remove leaf pour the class tea to add honey incase you have sweet   2. Hibiscus tea to get 2 flowers to add one glass water (250 ml) boli until change flowers color to pour class remove the flowers and add one table spoon of lemon change deep red don't add any sweet incase u have  sweet only add honey but better to avoid it's my suggestions1. benefit of guava victim c fruit good for sugar patients and tea also diabetes best friend say goodbye diabetes for only regular use and teeth etc., 2.benefit of 🌺Hibiscus🌺 this tea good for particular ❤ Heart❤ patients before use this tea just consultant your doctor and skin glowing  this flowers and leaf both grind and apply hair mask etc., 

increase immunity with simple tips

Hello guys we are face again covid 3rd wave situation face it some other countries face this situation again we are faced it but we are vaccine so don't worry about that some of the guys think it but there us problem raise it because covid 19 change our position Delta plus so guys be precautions following some methods                 1.Tumeric tea or Tumeric milk/////                                        2.pepper rasam or  incase non-veg bolied egg to add pepper powder or egg dosa add with pepper powder 3.cumin water to drink in which ur comfortable incase Asia person to take cumin rice or jeera rice weekly 3 or 4 times 4. Garlic pickles or garlic soup or add with any form of garlic in your food. 5.horse seeds to make soup or eat dry roast to snacks or dal gravy to increase heating our bodies so take twice a week  and reduce the  weight slightly and maintenance your weight. 6.🥕🥒🥬🫑🥔🌶🍠🌰🧄🌽🥜🧅🥑🍅🍆🥦Add  more vegetables as much as possible 7.Meditation particularly ((pranayam)) breathe activities in daily work out  or walking 8. Add more green leaf and less meat for covid situation 9.please take steam inhalation monthly twice 10.In time to c((ovid situation))increase weight normal but people to work our daily basis but some people not do that but management weight (((not to increase)))is possible to add WINTER MELON OR WHITE PUMPKIN to add juice or soup incase Asian people to add dal and winter melon gravy with rice nice combination. Be safe covid situation  3rd wave wear mask and sanitizer wear hand clothes don't panic this situation we are get rid off situation but we are follow some patience to get normal life to prepare and planning future and do it home as much as possible be happy always 😊smile bye 👋bye👋

cleansing organ with H2o

Hello guys! Cleansing ur face more than important in cleaning your organs but how to cleansing daily is that important? of course important not because beauty inside ur organ cleansing to make better health with help H2O that means💧 WATER 💧ur think like that just water not that water that water change the to make Pospersus country with out water to make poverty that based to take 💧water 💧to take water proper level to get health glowing skin inside organ 🧠🫁🫀too much healthy  with following some method 1. As person to take a water 20 kg weight 1 liter water to consume in daily basis incase your weight 60 kg weight  your to take the water 3 liter in daily basis  ❌aviod to drink too much❌✅ incase not too much Of thristy ur drink it ✅ to slip water slowly with slava hold it after consume water ✅ ❌2. To wake up morning time avoid tea and coffee in empty stomach ❌ to wake up in morning time cleansing ur organ with 4 class water or 1 liter water after to take tea or coffee ur health how to say this colourless urine your get healthy life before your to drink proper intake water daily basis additional to get healthy glowing skin with beauty face it free 🆓🆓bye👋bye👋

Maintenance beauty with saffron oil

Hello guys alot of problems going there in covid 19situation , but set of people before  be vaccine together to get helpful the society that super and peaceful in home that thing really appreciate one today small beautiful tips like maintenance ur skin with literally glow  but what's ur eat that important things to be beautiful, but skin matience also important one✨✨ particular beauty oils important place picked one SAFFRON OIL this made for only🌺🌻🌹🌷flowers particular purple flower inside 3 stigma is there that thing made oil not only used in oil to used tea also but little thing is little cost becoz this saffron only bloom Himalayan place in India and cold hill station but this saffron oil use to only night time not too exposed in sun 🌞day time that only particular recommend for this time use so benefit in our skin this oil buy only Auryvedeic based to use ✅dry skin person ✅combination skin type skin✅ both type of skin to get good and glowing skin ❌avoid ache skin person ❌because your skin so sensitive before use products to check it ingredients of products to apply your in your face ok bye bye👋👋

prevention of covid 19

Hello guys console for missing loveable never meet at last minutes  worst thing of life everyone face it ur missing person in life covid situation there are pick up God hand flowers🌸🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼💐 rest in peace but guys ur life more than valuable anything else becoz I won't miss my some relatives never going worst situation I ever my friend life partner he is no more becoz covid he is help at relation covid patients  not vaccine please please guys be vaccine of covid 😷 before vaccine consult ur doctor get vaccine u should follow some tips after vaccine prevention is better medicine for all diseases and life after u have disease u cure that ur think like that it's one way path of life may be return back or not so please(((((((((((( BE VACCINE EVERYONE WITH CONSULTANT UR DOCTOR))1. ✅Please eat some healthy food only home based ✅2.✅keep meditation practice✅ 3.be✅ walking near any plant of tree or anything in moring time✅❌❌❌❌❌please don't be stand at night near any tree❌❌❌❌❌❌becoz that time plant and tree exhale breath carbon dioxide so that is so harm our breathing system so avoiding that other wise proper nutrition is good for our health but we are care only our covid situation after that ur not followed that the big problem of lifewea are faced very pendemic situation created covid after so many disease are there but we are do it one thing proper nutrition of foodwe will discussion out proper nutrition of all ages it's hard to smile but everyone move on next step ur life with lot of hope ur life with always smile be happy😊

licorice or ancient adthimuthram

What face wash powder 🙄 ya guys this licorice or adthimuthram power ancient king to use to maintain beautiful sin and glow also but now days alot of products use it some of accepting our skin type others to get it Alegries or rashes on skin or pimple alot issues but this licorice Powder help to remove alot healthy benifits inside & outside also✅🌹1. wheather ur going outside work or alot of meeting no more Beauty consciousness person use this powder for face wash🌹✅🌺🌺🌺2.inside ourbody to make magical things happen Incase ur suffer from ulcers to use this powder to get rid off ulcers following some produture 48 days to take 200M warmwater add one spoon adimuthram powder or licorice powder mix well and drink it in empty stomach 🌺🌺🌺what they do  this powder to buy it in online order or any aurverdic shop to take  1.50 gram powder and 20 gramflour both of add and mix done well it in small  bottle every morning  to use face wash powder ❌ avoiding acnes porn skin type to use this powder❌  i🏘️🏡incase ur in home to use powder as face mask to use  once or twice🏠 As a Normal skin or dry skin or combination skin to add to use this powder with add a milk to make a paste apply in 10 minutes after wash it in daily basis incase oily skin to use only rose water to get a glow it 

play with kids to stay fit

 move like a fit with kid ! i here the mind stop confuse guys i say it  do gym work work stay fit balabala...... not like that what is meant by excersize ? proper blood circulation be active stay look like fit not fat that full package called work out now days we are spending alot money stay fit and mainten body weight and consume what we  do eat to check it  everyday day but every body forget one thing ur doing work out that enough guys you are doing more active physicaly and and mentaly that u should follow  (((playing your kids and family like a free bird))) Best medicine ur family and kids for healthy mind physical play ur kids,as  couple long walk in u should prepare that, mountain climbing, swimming, dancing, cleaning ur house, (((i konw this pandemic time ur move on small level not permeant situation we are get rid off this situation one days we are believed ur good value that safe life forever guys )))cycling ur family playful trib,as lonely person long walk with hearing song as a best company,as a senior citizens go to peaceful place like church, temple, which place like it go to walk with company or hearing song and books to take best company atleast move on physicaly and mentaly guys that only stay fit health and beauty 

summer special drink

Hai guys after long days i post new things some personal work thanks for who are read already i regular l post it any way let go guys summer cool drinks starting summer in india some others place not started everybody pandemic during corona period any how prepare for all problems not cornoa all these things what i mean some alternative some ur career and health and food ur relationship what ever maybe guys ok i just share cool drinks everyone prepare very  this three things available all the time in ur kitchen guysGinger lemon and mint leaves with little salt both of get it lets peels the skin of ginger only use small pieces and lemon juice and ten mint leaves both messed in small bowl (((not blended it jucier it's horrible to drink)))  to add one of class water to mixed with little salt as your wish to taste don't drink empty stomach this juice after you are ate heavy in ur food that time your prepare this drink incase ur feel to hot to take ice water or normal water  please avoid this drink who are suffering ulcers in stomach  this drinks best digest after eat food why don't waste your time have it drink enjoy👋👋😊

what's are eats that reflect on face it's called beauty

🌟✨Hello guys, I hope that everyone safe in corona virus don't forget wearing mask 😷 and applied sanitizing in your hand, ✨...

Dark chocolate, non -veg,veg,dress free facial